To God be the glory! We have officially returned to the church building for worship service at 9212 Lee Ave Manassas, VA. If you would like to worship with us but are unable to attend in-person, please join us on Facebook Live by searching the First New Birth Baptist Church page. We go-live at 10:55 a.m. ET with service beginning promptly at 11 a.m. ET.
Sunday School begins every Sunday at 9:30 am
Every Wednesday beginning at 7pm.
Sunday morning worship service begins at 11 a.m. ET. If you would like to join virtually, please join us on Facebook Live by searching the First New Birth Baptist Church page. We go-live at 10:55 a.m. ET with service beginning promptly at 11 a.m. ET.
A small band of Christian believers united to support Pastor John E. Blackmon, Sr., in his evangelistic ministry. After about seven months of praying; seeking the Lord; studying the Word; and accompanying him throughout the Northern Virginia area, the Body of Believers assembled at Pastor Blackmon’s home for Bible study and prayer.
As a result of praying, on September 27, 1991, Pastor Blackmon called a meeting at his home to share his “call” and vision to form a church. This was an answered prayer – it was a chance to have a “New Beginning.” The members present were Pastor Blackmon, Hattie C. Blackmon, Reverend Felecia Alexander, Reverend Ervin Hannah, Daisy Hannah, Leroy Jennings, Gail Jeter, Cindy Lawrence, Pamela Martin and Pamela B. Terry.
We held our first official church service at Baldwin Elementary School in Manassas, Virginia. Exactly nine months had passed since we first banned together on March 3, 1991. We truly believe that this nine-month period is significant in that it is the same time required for the development and birth of a new child; thus, the words “New Birth” were included in the name of our church.
The Northern Virginia Baptist Association, Inc. officially stated “we find that First New Birth Baptist Church is in accordance to the polity and practices of the Missionary Baptist Churches of Northern Virginia. We further recommend that you would proceed to call for a recognition council.” Therefore, First New Birth Baptist Church held its official recognition service at Star of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Triangle, Virginia on Saturday, October 10, 1992.
First New Birth Baptist Church is a place of New Beginnings.
“Remember ye not the former things…Behold, I will do a new thing;" according to Isaiah 43:18-19.
We thank you for your blessings to move the kingdom forward!
9212 Lee Ave Manassas, VA 20110